How long should I fast my pet before surgery?
In general, we like to do an overnight fast for most dogs and cats - this means that they can have their supper the night before, but they shouldn't eat after suppertime, and shouldn't have any water after midnight. Some animals have health conditions that make them prone to low blood sugar levels - if this is true of your pet, your veterinarian will probably recommend a shorter fast before surgery.
Exotic animals such as rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, rats etc should not be fasted before surgery. In addition, if you have an exotic pet coming in for surgery, it's important to bring along some of their regular food so that we can encourage them to eat again as quickly as possible.
Oh No my dog just ate something, what do I do?
Give us a call! With many poisons, dogs and cats will not immediately show signs of being sick, and often won't show signs of illness until it's too late to treat them. It's important to treat potential toxicities as soon as possible - waiting overnight or over the weekend is never a good idea.
You can also contact the ASPCA Poison Control Hotline. This phone number is staffed 24/7 by veterinary toxicologists and is one of the best resources available for poisoned animals. They can provide you with advice as to whether or not your pet requires medical attention, and can also make suggestions as to how you can help your pet at home, if the toxin is not serious. You can reach the ASPCA Poison Control Centre at 1-(888) 426-4435.
When does my puppy/kitten need vaccines?
Puppies and kittens are routinely vaccinated at 8, 12 and 16 weeks of age. It is important for pets to have all three vaccines in order to develop an effective immune response against common viral diseases. This is also a very important time for your pet to be examined by a veterinarian to look for any developing health conditions that could impact your pet's long-term health. If you adopt an older dog or cat and are unsure of whether or not it has had vaccines, please give us a call and we can discuss when your pet should be vaccinated.